MacGilli Mesmerises at Eden Court’s ‘Under Canvas’ with Epic Soundscapes.

Under Canvas, Eden Court, Inverness. 6 July 2024.

Words and pictures by  Alan Cruickshank 

I went along to another of Eden Courts brilliant alfresco “Under Canvas” sessions to catch Mike “MacGilli” MacGillivray perform. I caught about half of his set at Belladrum last year and was intrigued by his music, I said then I would try and catch his full performance at some point and today was that day.

MacGilli is a well-known and respected local musician that creates the most brilliant soundscapes with a loop machine and just one guitar, his music is described as instrumental and cinematic, I completely agree.

As mentioned earlier I caught part of his set at Belladrum last year so was properly excited to catch his full set today. There was only a couple of empty seats left when MacGilli took to the stage to play his first number called “Moments in time” not surprising that there were scant few seats left, Mike’s undoubted musicality and skill has garnered him more and more supporters each time he plays. It’s a wonderful experience watching and listening as his soundscape builds and starts to take shape, the passion for his music comes through in spades during his live stage performances and the assembled audience were treated to a cracking afternoon of epic beautifully crafted music.

One particular piece of music caught my attention; “Warriors Duet” was quite simply mesmerising and I think also caught the ears of the audience. I highly recommend checking out MacGilli’s YouTube videos and look for a piece called “Chapters” you’ll thank me later. If you’re going to Belladrum this year he is playing the Ice House stage on the Friday.